
How To Get Mushroom Blocks In Minecraft

Mushroom blocks are solid blocks that make up huge mushrooms. There are 3 kinds of mushroom blocks: red mushroom block, brown mushroom block and mushroom stem.


  • 1 Obtaining
    • 1.1 Breaking
    • 1.2 Natural generation
    • 1.3 Creative inventory
  • 2 Usage
    • 2.1 Fuel
    • 2.2 Composting
    • 2.3 Note Blocks
  • 3 Sounds
  • 4 Data values
    • 4.1 ID
    • 4.2 Metadata
    • 4.3 Block states
  • 5 History
  • 6 References

Obtaining [ ]

Breaking [ ]

Mushroom blocks are most quickly broken with an axe, dropping 0–2 mushroom items of the respective type. In Java Edition, only cap blocks drop mushroom items, while in Bedrock Edition stem blocks drop mushrooms as well. Fortune does not affect the drop rate of mushrooms in any form.

The blocks themselves can be retrieved only by using a tool enchanted with Silk Touch. Mining the mushroom cap or stem yields a block with the cap or stem texture, respectively, on all faces.

Additionally in Java Edition, if two similar mushroom blocks are placed next to each other and one of them is broken, the side of the other block that it was facing reveals the pore texture. This is because the side of these blocks change texture if they touch another block of the same type.

Mushroom blocks can be moved and are not broken by a piston.

Block Mushroom Block
Hardness 0.2
Breaking time[A]
Default 0.3
Wooden 0.15
Stone 0.1
Iron 0.05
Diamond 0.05
Netherite 0.05
Golden 0.05
  1. Times are for unenchanted tools as wielded by players with no status effects, measured in seconds. For more information, see Breaking § Speed.

Natural generation [ ]

Mushroom blocks generate as part of huge mushroom structures.

Creative inventory [ ]

In Java Edition, the brown and red mushroom blocks as well as the mushroom stem are available in the Creative inventory.

In Bedrock Edition, all-sided cap, stem and pore blocks are available in the Creative inventory. Other variants can be obtained by the /give command or by inventory editing. For the command type /give @p (red_ or brown_)mushroom_block 1 (ID value). For the ID, type a number between 0-10. Anything between 11 and 13 looks the same, but doesn't stack. 14 and 15 have either the mushroom block texture on all 6 sides, or the mushroom stem texture on all six sides.

Usage [ ]

Fuel [ ]

Mushroom blocks can be used as fuel, smelting 1.5 items per block.‌[ Bedrock Edition only ]

Composting [ ]

Mushroom blocks can be used in the composter with an 85% chance to make a new layer.

Note Blocks [ ]

Mushroom blocks can be placed under note blocks to produce "bass" sound.

Sounds [ ]

Java Edition

Sound Subtitles Source Description Resource location Translation key Volume Pitch Attenuation
Block broken Blocks Once the block has broken block.wood.break subtitles.block.generic.break 1.0 0.8 16
None [sound 1] Blocks Falling on the block with fall damage block.wood.fall None [sound 1] 0.5 0.75 16
Block breaking Blocks While the block is in the process of being broken block.wood.hit subtitles.block.generic.hit 0.25 0.5 16
Block placed Blocks When the block is placed 1.0 0.8 16
Footsteps Blocks Walking on the block block.wood.step subtitles.block.generic.footsteps 0.15 1.0 16
  1. a b MC-177082

Bedrock Edition

Sound Source Description Resource location Volume Pitch
? Blocks Once the block has broken dig.wood 1.0 0.8
? Blocks Falling on the block with fall damage fall.wood 0.4 1.0
? Blocks While the block is in the process of being broken hit.wood 0.23 0.5
? Blocks Jumping from the block jump.wood 0.12 1.0
? Blocks Falling on the block without fall damage land.wood 0.18 1.0
? Blocks Walking on the block step.wood 0.3 1.0
? Blocks When the block is placed use.wood 1.0 0.8

Data values [ ]

ID [ ]

Java Edition

Name Resource location Form Translation key
Brown Mushroom Block brown_mushroom_block Block & Item block.minecraft.brown_mushroom_block
Red Mushroom Block red_mushroom_block Block & Item block.minecraft.red_mushroom_block
Mushroom Stem mushroom_stem Block & Item block.minecraft.mushroom_stem

Bedrock Edition

Name Resource location Numeric ID Form Translation key
Brown Mushroom Block brown_mushroom_block 99 Block & Item
Red Mushroom Block red_mushroom_block 100 Block & Item

Metadata [ ]

In Bedrock Edition, mushroom blocks use the following data values:

DV Description
0 Pore texture on all six sides[note 1] [note 2]
1 Cap texture on top, west and north; pores on other sides
2 Cap texture on top and north; pores on other sides
3 Cap texture on top, north and east; pores on other sides
4 Cap texture on top and west; pores on other sides
5 Cap texture on top; pores on other sides
6 Cap texture on top and east; pores on other sides
7 Cap texture on top, south and west; pores on other sides
8 Cap texture on top and south; pores on other sides
9 Cap texture on top, east and south; pores on other sides
10 Stem texture on all four sides, pores on top and bottom
11 Pore texture on all six sides[note 1]
12 Pore texture on all six sides[note 1]
13 Pore texture on all six sides[note 1]
14 Cap texture on all six sides[note 2] [note 3]
15 Stem texture on all six sides[note 2] [note 3] [note 4]


  1. a b c d These blocks appear identical to each other but can only be stacked with others having the same DV.
  2. a b c Included in Creative inventory.
  3. a b Available in Survival mode by using Silk Touch.
  4. Stem blocks mined from red and brown giant mushrooms appear identical but cannot be stacked with each other.

Block states [ ]

Java Edition

Name Default value Allowed values Description
east true false
/ If true, the east face has the cap/stem texture.
If false, it has the pores texture instead.
down true false
/ If true, the bottom face has the cap/stem texture.
If false, it has the pores texture instead.
north true false
/ If true, the north face has the cap/stem texture.
If false, it has the pores texture instead.
south true false
/ If true, the south face has the cap/stem texture.
If false, it has the pores texture instead.
up true false
/ If true, the top face has the cap/stem texture.
If false, it has the pores texture instead.
west true false
/ If true, the west face has the cap/stem texture.
If false, it has the pores texture instead.

Bedrock Edition

Name Default value Allowed values Description
huge_mushroom_bits 0 0 All six faces have the pores texture.
1 Cap texture on top, west and north; pores on other sides.
2 Cap texture on top and north; pores on other sides.
3 Cap texture on top, north and east; pores on other sides.
4 Cap texture on top and west; pores on other sides.
5 Cap texture on top; pores on other sides.
6 Cap texture on top and east; pores on other sides.
7 Cap texture on top, south and west; pores on other sides.
8 Cap texture on top and south; pores on other sides.
9 Cap texture on top, east and south; pores on other sides.
10 The four side faces have the stem texture,
and the top and bottom faces have the pores texture.
All six faces have the pores texture.
14 All six faces have the cap texture.
15 All six faces have the stem texture.

History [ ]

Java Edition Beta
June 14, 2011 Notch showed a picture of a Beta 1.7 change-list. Although it was completely blurred out and was at first thought of as a joke, Notch later stated that one of the pictures with the new lighting system and the change list had a secret in them.
One place where people discussed it was on the Minecraft Forums, where it was discovered that the tabs at the top of the change list, which were partly covered, could be decoded based on the one-pixel tall pattern available in the image.[1]
After a user named "tmcaffeine" on the forums successfully decoded the image, the tabs read:, changelist.txt,,, HugeMushroomTile.jav(a?), HugeMushroomFeature.(java?), RandomLevelSource(cut).[2]
This led people to believe that huge mushrooms would be added, and indeed, later on, Notch revealed a screenshot on Google+ in which two huge mushrooms could be seen as well as a village.
1.8 Pre-release Brown Mushroom Block (E) JE1 BE1.png Brown Mushroom Block (S) JE1 BE1.png Brown Mushroom Block (U) JE1 BE1.png Brown Mushroom Block (SU) JE1 BE1.png Brown Mushroom Block (EU) JE1 BE1.png Brown Mushroom Block (ES) JE1 BE1.png Brown Mushroom Block (ESU) JE1 BE1.png
Red Mushroom Block (E) JE1 BE1.png Red Mushroom Block (S) JE1 BE1.png Red Mushroom Block (U) JE1 BE1.png Red Mushroom Block (SU) JE1 BE1.png Red Mushroom Block (EU) JE1 BE1.png Red Mushroom Block (ES) JE1 BE1.png Red Mushroom Block (ESU) JE1 BE1.png
Mushroom Block JE1 BE1.png Mushroom Stem (ES) JE1 BE1.png Mushroom Stem (ESU) JE1 BE1.png Added mushroom blocks.
Java Edition
1.0.0 Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4 The various mushroom block types are now dropped when mined with a pickaxe enchanted with Silk Touch.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 6 Mushroom blocks are broken faster using an axe.
1.8 14w25a When harvested with the Silk Touch enchantment, mushroom blocks now drop blocks with corresponding mushroom texture (red or brown) on all sides rather than the one with spores.
1.13 17w47a Mushroom stems now have their own ID.
Mushroom blocks are now available from the creative inventory.
"Mushroom" has been renamed to "Brown Mushroom Block" and "Red Mushroom Block".
Mushroom stems have been added as an item within the inventory. Before this, it could be found naturally or be placed with /setblock.
There is no longer any distinction between brown and red mushroom stems, and the stem block is now a separate block from the caps.
Mushroom stems no longer drop (small) mushrooms when broken, but can now drop as stem blocks when mined with a tool with the Silk Touch enchantment.
Mushroom Stem (E) JE1 BE1.png Mushroom Stem (S) JE1 BE1.png Mushroom Stem (U) JE1 BE1.png Mushroom Stem (SU) JE1 BE1.png Mushroom Stem (EU) JE1 BE1.png Mushroom Stem (ES) JE1 BE1.png Mushroom Stem (ESU) JE1 BE1.png Mushroom stems now use the same connection logic as cap blocks.
Prior to The Flattening, these blocks' numeral IDs were 99 and 100.
18w06a Mushroom blocks no longer function as furnace fuel.
1.14 18w43a Mushroom Block JE2 BE2.png Brown Mushroom Block (E) JE2 BE2.png Brown Mushroom Block (S) JE2 BE2.png Brown Mushroom Block (U) JE2 BE2.png Brown Mushroom Block (SU) JE2 BE2.png Brown Mushroom Block (EU) JE2 BE2.png Brown Mushroom Block (ES) JE2 BE2.png Brown Mushroom Block (ESU) JE2 BE2.png
Mushroom Block JE2 BE2.png Red Mushroom Block (E) JE2 BE2.png Red Mushroom Block (S) JE2 BE2.png Red Mushroom Block (U) JE2 BE2.png Red Mushroom Block (SU) JE2 BE2.png Red Mushroom Block (EU) JE2 BE2.png Red Mushroom Block (ES) JE2 BE2.png Red Mushroom Block (ESU) JE2 BE2.png
Mushroom Block JE2 BE2.png Mushroom Stem (E) JE2 BE2.png Mushroom Stem (S) JE2 BE2.png Mushroom Stem (U) JE2 BE2.png Mushroom Stem (SU) JE2 BE2.png Mushroom Stem (EU) JE2 BE2.png Mushroom Stem (ES) JE2 BE2.png Mushroom Stem (ESU) JE2 BE2.png The textures of mushroom blocks have been changed.
19w03a Mushroom stems can now be used in composters.
19w03b Mushroom blocks can now be used in composters to have a 80% chance of raising the compost level by 1.
19w05a Mushroom blocks now have an 85% chance of increasing the compost level in a composter by 1.
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.9.0 build 1 Brown Mushroom Block (E) JE1 BE1.png Brown Mushroom Block (S) JE1 BE1.png Brown Mushroom Block (U) JE1 BE1.png Brown Mushroom Block (SU) JE1 BE1.png Brown Mushroom Block (EU) JE1 BE1.png Brown Mushroom Block (ES) JE1 BE1.png Brown Mushroom Block (ESU) JE1 BE1.png
Red Mushroom Block (E) JE1 BE1.png Red Mushroom Block (S) JE1 BE1.png Red Mushroom Block (U) JE1 BE1.png Red Mushroom Block (SU) JE1 BE1.png Red Mushroom Block (EU) JE1 BE1.png Red Mushroom Block (ES) JE1 BE1.png Red Mushroom Block (ESU) JE1 BE1.png
Mushroom Block JE1 BE1.png Mushroom Stem (ES) JE1 BE1.png Mushroom Stem (ESU) JE1 BE1.png Added mushroom blocks.
6-sided cap, stem and pores blocks are available in the creative inventory.
build 4 Mushroom blocks now drop mushrooms when mined.
v0.12.1 build 1 Mushroom blocks can now be obtained using a tool with the Silk Touch enchantment.
Bedrock Edition
1.10.0 beta Brown Mushroom Block (E) JE2 BE2.png Brown Mushroom Block (S) JE2 BE2.png Brown Mushroom Block (U) JE2 BE2.png Brown Mushroom Block (SU) JE2 BE2.png Brown Mushroom Block (EU) JE2 BE2.png Brown Mushroom Block (ES) JE2 BE2.png Brown Mushroom Block (ESU) JE2 BE2.png
Red Mushroom Block (E) JE2 BE2.png Red Mushroom Block (S) JE2 BE2.png Red Mushroom Block (U) JE2 BE2.png Red Mushroom Block (SU) JE2 BE2.png Red Mushroom Block (EU) JE2 BE2.png Red Mushroom Block (ES) JE2 BE2.png Red Mushroom Block (ESU) JE2 BE2.png
Mushroom Block JE2 BE2.png Mushroom Stem (ES) JE2 BE2.png Mushroom Stem (ESU) JE2 BE2.png The textures of mushroom blocks have been changed.
1.11.0 beta Mushroom blocks can now be used to fill up composters.
1.16.0 beta Variants of brown, red and stem now have been renamed to "Brown Mushroom Block", "Red Mushroom Block" and "Mushroom Stem", respectively.
Legacy Console Edition
TU5 CU1 1.0 Patch 1 Brown Mushroom Block (E) JE1 BE1.png Brown Mushroom Block (S) JE1 BE1.png Brown Mushroom Block (U) JE1 BE1.png Brown Mushroom Block (SU) JE1 BE1.png Brown Mushroom Block (EU) JE1 BE1.png Brown Mushroom Block (ES) JE1 BE1.png Brown Mushroom Block (ESU) JE1 BE1.png
Red Mushroom Block (E) JE1 BE1.png Red Mushroom Block (S) JE1 BE1.png Red Mushroom Block (U) JE1 BE1.png Red Mushroom Block (SU) JE1 BE1.png Red Mushroom Block (EU) JE1 BE1.png Red Mushroom Block (ES) JE1 BE1.png Red Mushroom Block (ESU) JE1 BE1.png
Mushroom Block JE1 BE1.png Mushroom Stem (ES) JE1 BE1.png Mushroom Stem (ESU) JE1 BE1.png Added mushroom blocks.
TU31 CU19 1.22 Patch 3 When harvested with Silk Touch enchantment, mushroom blocks now drop blocks with corresponding mushroom texture (red or brown) on all sides rather than the one with spores.
1.90 Brown Mushroom Block (E) JE2 BE2.png Brown Mushroom Block (S) JE2 BE2.png Brown Mushroom Block (U) JE2 BE2.png Brown Mushroom Block (SU) JE2 BE2.png Brown Mushroom Block (EU) JE2 BE2.png Brown Mushroom Block (ES) JE2 BE2.png Brown Mushroom Block (ESU) JE2 BE2.png
Red Mushroom Block (E) JE2 BE2.png Red Mushroom Block (S) JE2 BE2.png Red Mushroom Block (U) JE2 BE2.png Red Mushroom Block (SU) JE2 BE2.png Red Mushroom Block (EU) JE2 BE2.png Red Mushroom Block (ES) JE2 BE2.png Red Mushroom Block (ESU) JE2 BE2.png
Mushroom Block JE2 BE2.png Mushroom Stem (ES) JE2 BE2.png Mushroom Stem (ESU) JE2 BE2.png The textures of mushroom blocks have been changed.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0 Brown Mushroom Block (E) JE1 BE1.png Brown Mushroom Block (S) JE1 BE1.png Brown Mushroom Block (U) JE1 BE1.png Brown Mushroom Block (SU) JE1 BE1.png Brown Mushroom Block (EU) JE1 BE1.png Brown Mushroom Block (ES) JE1 BE1.png Brown Mushroom Block (ESU) JE1 BE1.png
Red Mushroom Block (E) JE1 BE1.png Red Mushroom Block (S) JE1 BE1.png Red Mushroom Block (U) JE1 BE1.png Red Mushroom Block (SU) JE1 BE1.png Red Mushroom Block (EU) JE1 BE1.png Red Mushroom Block (ES) JE1 BE1.png Red Mushroom Block (ESU) JE1 BE1.png
Mushroom Block JE1 BE1.png Mushroom Stem (ES) JE1 BE1.png Mushroom Stem (ESU) JE1 BE1.png Added mushroom blocks.
  • The decoded change-list.

References [ ]


How To Get Mushroom Blocks In Minecraft


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